Friday, December 9, 2011


uSSSy is kind of hard to describe... but spastic and noisy comes to mind. definitely solid jams. oh yeah, and they're russian

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

cold lovers - demo

new band from chicago. sounds like old school noisy punk. check it out for sure!

cold lovers - demo

Sunday, August 28, 2011



Total Destruction

Scattered, Smothered and Covered

Occupational Hazard

Blood Run



R.I.P. but zann may be the result of my subconscious mind needing a plethora of 2-3 minute hardcore rippers with all the dressins.  For your pleasure, a hearty serving of the zann discography:

zann - discography cd


even though this album was made in 1991, it actually didn't really even exist until i graduated from high school, 14 years later. well that is unless you've heard of the band sleep (ya dopesmoker), which is basically a reincarnation of said project.

for your eyes only:

asbestosdeath - dejection/unclean

Thursday, August 11, 2011

vampire cat

this is some sort of slightly sassy emo/punk band. they sound like they could be on gravity records in the 90s, but i'm fairly certain they existed in the early 2000s. i think they were from washington dc, but could be wrong. just noticed there's only 50 listeners on and thought they deserved to be uploaded somewhere. i don't think they released anything else.

vampire cat - demo

Saturday, August 6, 2011

SFN - Itching

Fucking awesome, released on Drugged Conscience.
SFN - Itching

Nomos one sided 12"

Personally, I can't get enough of this recording and the link has the bonus cover song (sweet). Nomos rips...

Nomos - Notes From the Acheron 12" 

Monday, July 25, 2011

super elitist euro bands

haven't posted in a while... here goes.

here are some way underrated pretty much unknown euro bands from back in the day. rroselicoeur released demios oneiron on purepainsugar (of raein/daitro/etc fame), but they're more post rock/ambient/mathy i guess you could say. i THINK that ethyleen leiding was a solo project from somebody in rroselicoeur, but i'm not 100% on that. really don't know much about ocre, but they're pretty good.

rroselicoeur - drachenhole [2001]
rroselicoeur - demios oneiron [2003]
ocre - demo
ocre/ethyleen leiding split

Saturday, February 5, 2011


this was such a sick show, like less than 100 feet from where my band practices.

Enabler - War Begins With You